A Play about Climate Change
for years 9 to 10
Written and directed by Tracy Bourne in collaboration with Lisa Kendal
“Such an engaging and relevant play for students to view”
“ It is plays and art like this that may really effect change in the world”
Connecting Science and the Arts in a unique outreach program, three actors illuminate the issues and engage students with how they can act both locally and globally to effect change now and in the future.

Climate change and years of drought make life on the farm difficult for Ella’s father. Ella’s nan is fleeing a bushfire that threatens to engulf her home. Ella is faced with the challenge of how to create a sustainable future for her and her family.
Woven through the main story are moving tales of the rising tidal waters of Tuvalu, the devastating storms of Bangladesh’s river delta and the changing culture of the Masai tribe in East Africa.
Ella’s story invites students to consider what they would do if they were given the choice to stay and adapt, or to leave and begin again, and to think about the way in which they can take action in their own lives and within their own environment.
Performance Details
- 50-minute performance
- Curriculum-linked classroom resources
- No charge for government schools
Stage or performance space minimum 6m (wide) x 5m (deep).
If you are interested in booking a performance, please contact us on bookings[at]seam.org.au.
With thanks to…
A carbon neutral show supported by Fifteen Trees – http://www.15trees.com.au/
Ella’s Choice was developed with support from Regional Arts Victoria, City of Ballarat, Acciona and Bank Australia.